swfadress 2.0 多了不少很很實用性的功能,對as3的支援度也比較完整。 新功能如下: Support for multiple Flash movies and Ajax. Event listeners for ActionScript and JavaScript. New SWFAddressEvent class with support for INIT and CHANGE types. New unobtrusive SEO technique. Support for Adobe Flash CS3. Support for Flash Player 7 with the Flash/JavaScript Integration Kit. Support for SWFObject 2.0 , UFO and Adobe's Active Content embedding. New strict mode that adds trailing slashes by default. New helper methods for link, window and popup management. Ability to configure the script with query parameters. The swfaddress.html is optional and not used by default. Lots of new and improved Flash based samples. Various optimizations and fixes. API docs for ActionScript 3 and JavaScript. 跟偵聽系統完全mathch嗎?試了才知道. 我比較在乎的是 SEO 的整合性如何,畢竟這一直是flash user的痛, swfadress 號稱他解決了這樣的問題(我還沒試驗,試了再跟大家報告)。 New helper methods for link, window and popup management. 多了一些實用的方法, 說是完全不會擋視窗啦,大家可以試看看 !我去玩囉。